I feel so much like a Generalist so when I heard Adam Savage talking about it, his message deeply resonated with me. It gave me the keys to understand why I am like this and how it can be a strength. I’m very grateful to have stumbled upon this video to start 2022 more serenely. Before that, I would feel bad not sticking to / digging into one domain of competence, but the time passing I started to understand what Adam Savage explains in his AMA video: the transversality of skills and knowledge create unexpected connections that allow to think, solve and execute in a faster and more efficient way.
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Being a Generalist
I feel so much like a Generalist so when I heard Adam Savage talking about it, his message deeply resonated with me. It gave me the keys to understand why I am like this and how it can be a strength. I’m very grateful to have stumbled upon this video to start 2022 more serenely. Before that, I would feel bad not sticking to / digging into one domain of competence, but the time passing I started to understand what Adam Savage explains in his AMA video: the transversality of skills and knowledge create unexpected connections that allow to think, solve and execute in a faster and more efficient way.