Fair enough, this statement is quite provocative (this is Twitter content) however there is some truth in it. Our energy and time are precious but we’re often the only person responsible for stupidly wasting them. In fact, it’s really easy to get caught in nonsensical conversations or to find ourselves focusing our attention on annoying things we can’t even control nor change. In the end we are just social animals seeking to be heard, understood and validated. As soon we are having trouble achieving that, we feel upset and we can’t help but continue to ‘’feed the beast’’ until the next feeling of ‘’victory’’. Such an unhealthy practice. For me, there are three personality types to watch out if you want to avoid those situations. No judgement here, we can easily be one of them from time to time. There is the polemist, the troll and the couldn’t-give-a-damn. Fighting them is giving them what they want: attention. Next time you identify one, keep your energy or find a way to get them exposed, they usually don’t like that.
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Energy saver
Fair enough, this statement is quite provocative (this is Twitter content) however there is some truth in it. Our energy and time are precious but we’re often the only person responsible for stupidly wasting them. In fact, it’s really easy to get caught in nonsensical conversations or to find ourselves focusing our attention on annoying things we can’t even control nor change. In the end we are just social animals seeking to be heard, understood and validated. As soon we are having trouble achieving that, we feel upset and we can’t help but continue to ‘’feed the beast’’ until the next feeling of ‘’victory’’. Such an unhealthy practice. For me, there are three personality types to watch out if you want to avoid those situations. No judgement here, we can easily be one of them from time to time. There is the polemist, the troll and the couldn’t-give-a-damn. Fighting them is giving them what they want: attention. Next time you identify one, keep your energy or find a way to get them exposed, they usually don’t like that.