— Dr. Andleeb Asghar wrote:
In essence, creativity is not really about building something new out of thin air. It’s about using your past experiences, connecting the dots to visualize the future, and letting your mind wander so you can experience more eureka moments.
Creativity garden
Studies show that 3 factors are decisive in sparkling creativity. ‘’(1) Create on the shoulders of your past’’: journaling or simply taking notes when you feel the need is the best way to recall and reinforce your past thoughts and experiences. ‘’(2) Practice creative visualisation’’: Get back to your notes and start refining your ideas. What’s clear in your mind is not always as obvious and smart than you might think. ‘’(3) Make space for mind wandering’’: Develop lonely activities that do not require your brain to focus intensively, such as walking or cooking, so you can let your imagination roam freely and explore new possibilities. I don’t believe that creativity is something we can force, so don’t make of these 3 points a checklist that you repeat over and over. Instead, try to adopt habits that will help you refocus your mind on the present moment with the least parasitic thoughts. It’s in the most unexpected situations that we get our best eureka moments!