I very much like this idea and I believe this is even broader than that. You can start something for various reasons, whether it is for fun, out of curiosity or because of a challenge… The most important is not why you started it, but the fact that you simply decided to start and commit to it at some point. The best experiences I had these past 10 years, are the things I decided to start building, reading, learning, … achieved, failed or stopped! Whatever the outcome was, there were lessons to learn that definitely taught me so much about myself. If you are intrigued by something but feel like it is not for you, if something that makes you uncomfortable awakens your curiosity, if you are attracted by something that scares you… These are reasons enough to start doing something about it. Go for it, experience and see what it brings you.
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Started as a joke
I very much like this idea and I believe this is even broader than that. You can start something for various reasons, whether it is for fun, out of curiosity or because of a challenge… The most important is not why you started it, but the fact that you simply decided to start and commit to it at some point. The best experiences I had these past 10 years, are the things I decided to start building, reading, learning, … achieved, failed or stopped! Whatever the outcome was, there were lessons to learn that definitely taught me so much about myself. If you are intrigued by something but feel like it is not for you, if something that makes you uncomfortable awakens your curiosity, if you are attracted by something that scares you… These are reasons enough to start doing something about it. Go for it, experience and see what it brings you.